Child Custody Mediation

Let Us Help You Discover an Equitable Child Custody and Parenting Time Agreement

You’re in the middle of an extremely emotional, sensitive, and exhausting divorce, and the last thing you want, as a loving parent, is for your child to suffer from the strains of your separation. A long, drawn-out child custody case in the courtroom would only complicate matters worse. Fortunately, a more mutual, expeditious, and cost-efficient resolution can be achieved in the form of child custody mediation.

At OvalOptions we offer confidential, remote mediation services so that you can safely and effectively resolve child custody disputes from the convenience of your own home.

Up to 2 hours of mediation costs $79 per each party and most cases, whether they reach an agreement or not, will take 4 hours or less of your time.

This makes mediation a much more affordable, swift, and flexible alternative to the court system. Book a consultation with one of our Colorado-based mediation experts today!


What is Child Custody Mediation?

Child custody mediation refers to the process in which parents meet with a professional mediator who acts as a neutral third party and helps facilitate discussion in order to develop a parenting plan for parents. Typically, all mediation is voluntary, but if there are conflicts in parenting matters, or divorcing parents can’t agree on child custody and parenting time, couples might be required to participate in mandatory child custody mediation. Child custody mediation is considered a program of alternative dispute resolution.

What Are The Benefits And Advantages Of Child Custody Mediation?

There are many benefits to child custody mediation. A session can offer a resolution more quickly than a trial and is considerably less expensive than litigation. Meeting with a neutral third party outside of the courtroom provides a less intimidating and more intimate experience for people already in throes of an emotionally distressing experience. A good mediator is able to help parties develop the necessary skills needed for communicating and cooperating with one another in an amicable and effective working relationship. By far the greatest benefit is being put on the correct course to a more well-adjusted, happier future for the parents and the children.

How Do I Prepare For Custody Mediation?

Before custody mediation, it is important for people to understand their custody rights and responsibilities. It is also important to write out your schedules or a custody and parenting time-sharing plan. This could be a good launching point for the mediator. Poor planning could result in a less than favorable outcome so be sure to gather all information and documentation that might be relevant as this could greatly influence your custody dispute. Lastly, it is very important that people approach their mediation session with an open mind.

How Long Does Child Custody Mediation Take?

A typical child mediation case will take 2 to 3 hours, but this can vary as not all issues are the same and some can be more complex. During this time, couples will meet with a mediator, address custody issues, and with the assistance of the mediator, discuss solutions and prepare a child custody agreement. Communications can sometimes get heated, but it helps to remember that your mediator is an experienced professional who knows how to navigate conflict. Hashing out past grievances can be a waste of time. Just remember not to lose sight of what matters most: working together on your child’s best interests.